In celebration of Guam's liberation day, former PIBBA International President, Shelten G. Neth, took it upon himself to translate the PIBBA song in his Pohnpeian native language. We are grateful for his contribution. Here is the translation provided by Neth:
Kisinieng ipidohsang paliehsed
Ekehker peneinei dekehn PIBBA
Pwe kitail en ehukipene atail wewe
Atail lokaia
Iokwe, raan annim, kaselehlia, alii, aloha,
Olomwaay, hafa dei, tuwoh, mogethin, talofa
Ngilen koul en PIBBA peido laud sansal
Kitail miniminpene, kitail wiaki ehu, sohte kemou
Sohte ketiuo
Kitail kehlail, kitail komwad, kitail pohlki,
Kitail kesihkerda
Iokwe, raan annim, kaselehlia, alii, aloha,
Olomwaay, hafa dei, tuwoh, mogethin,talofa
Koul en PIBBA me kelail nan pwungen ilok
Wahr akan, atail mwangas akan, kapinga atail sohso.
Atail dekehn PIBBA
Atail lokaia, atail tiahk, me kitail pwoson, atail sai!
Iokwe, raan annim, kaselehlia, alii, aloha,
Olomwaay, hafa dei, tuwoh, mogethin, talofa
Currently, the PIBBA song, which is located towards the bottom of our website, is now available in the following languages: English, CHamoru, Carolinian, Chuukese, Kosraean, and Pohnpeian. If you would like to assist us in translating the song in other Pacific languages, please contact us at We will give you proper credit for your contribution. We'd love to have the song translated in as many languages as possible!
Thank you, Shelten! Un Dangkulo Na Si Yu'os Ma'ase' (Thank you very much)!